At Genesan, we pride ourselves in partnering with only the highest quality and most respected manufacturers and distributors in our industry who also share our sustainability visions.

Genesan products meet or exceed environmental sustainability standards set forth by the USDA, EPA, Green Seal, EcoLogo, EU Ecolabel, and are certified 100% CO2 Neutral.

Genesan has developed SITES, a program used to describe the five levels of our commitment to product and practice which provides a competitive advantage in today's crowded marketplace.

ALL NEW!!! Introducing Q-CAPS for Large Area Cleaning

Genesan is pleased to announce we have added Q-CAPS to the CAPS Micro Dilution family. Same great GENESAN products, this larger format holds 2.7 ounces of concentrate and was designed specifically for the degreasing of kitchens, cleaning corridors, restroom floors and all large areas where mechanical scrubbing is required.

Pictured at right::

  • LINPOL GLOSS - Floor Cleaner/Protectant (1 Q-CAP to 16 Gal Water)

  • INDUSTRY - Power Cleaner & Degreaser (1 Q-CAP to 6 Gal Water)

  • ENZYSAN - Biobased Surface Clnr/Deodorizer (1 Q-CAP to 6 Gal Water)


EcoLogo NSF EcoLogo

Sprayers Aren’t Just for Disinfecting Anymore

Genesan has a wide-range of battery-powered (hand held and backpack) sprayers in stock as well as Victory electrostatic spray units for immediate delivery while supplies last.

Powered sprayers can clean and deodorize locker rooms, school buses, cafeterias, sports matting, etc. in a fraction of the time it would take using a conventional spray bottle and cloth



VIROTAB Disinfectant Tablets ARE BACK!

During the pandemic, due to supply chain issues, VIROTAB was difficult to keep in inventory. But we are pleased to announce that we recently received a large shipment and VIROTAB is once again available